Saturday, April 4, 2009

Wealth of Information

The public library has been a resource that I've indudge myself with from time to time. In the last ten years (working for the City) I primarily use it to get out of the heat especially during the summers while working and often times use the computer for a variety of things such as catching up on emails or doing research for KIDZ HEARTS. As far as the material in the library I mostly borrow DVD's and sometimes positive audio programs. For all this I am GRATEFUL!

Few days ago, I was donating books to the library when it occurred to me to research Thailand, why didn't I think of that before?

I asked and received help from the librian. She was extremely helpful and I walked out of there with more material than ever before. Besides cultural and guide books, I found some videos in Thai and language tapes. This is a wonderful companion to the information I discovered with my online research.

For me the process itself has been encouraging, insightful, and fun!!! This has also shown me that when I get excited about something there is no limit to what I can absorb. The educational piece of this has broaden my awareness and appreciation.

I am open to any feedback, input, or suggestions you may have to elevate my experience.


  1. You are doing great Magnificient! You are being guided by your inspiration. You are giving me inspiration.{:-) Can't think of anything to add at this point.

    Take care.

  2. Thank you! I appreciate it and I am glad that you get value from my writing. Your support and encouragement is welcomed.
