Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fond Memories Resonates

One of the things for me is I get frustrated on some peoples behavior in our communities, the disrespect for others and the surroundings or the unkindness displayed towards other people then I think of my time in Chiang Mai and a overwhelming sense of calmness comes over me. The thing that impacts me here in the states is my work with the children this allows me to see hope in humanity.

Really I think it's more that I get frustrated with myself for taking it in, the energy and negative vibration from some. It used to be I was really hard on myself about things and now it's more of a learning tool which allows me the opportunity to use the creative resources within.

Going to Thailand was a very profound experience that still resonates deeply! It's one of those things that before going there was a certain image and expectation of how the framework of the travels were going to unfold and of course it was not even close.

The outer reason of going was to study massage as I mentioned before. My life shifted and I was impacted by different aspects. Sometimes for us to grow, expanding our consciousness and elevate to higher peaks the draw to something that may be important for us which we don't see is camouflaged my some interest, in my case learning massage in another country but the real deeper reason was revealed during the moments of being in the Kingdom of Thailand and still resonates with me today.

I have a few mementoes from my travels there, several being gifts given to me which I am Grateful that provides me with fond memories of my interactions with the Thai people.